Any questions I might be getting frequently or perhaps just making sh!t up to make myself look cool.

Question #1

When will Corrupting Alicia be out?

A: Corrupting Alicia is available now on Amazon.  Find it here.

Question #2

Where can I get it?

A: It is available on Amazon, in both Kindle and paperback format.

Question #3

How do I get an autographed copy?

A: For the three of you who asked, I'm still working out the logistics of that, but I should have it figured out very shortly.  Stay tuned!

How did I not know that you were a writer?

A: Well, don't feel so bad.  I didn't talk about it much, mostly because nothing is as boring as someone talking about a hobby that they haven't done much with.  Be warned, I may never shut up about it now...

Question #4